Why Would You Live Here? Artists Reflect on Northern Life

In the run-up to the most recent election I got sick of the way Northern towns were being covered in the media. Places like my home town of Keighley, West Yorkshire were portrayed in the same tired cliche ways, as though all Northern towns are homogenised places were one kind of person lives one kind of life. I felt so frustrated that people from places like Keighley are never given the opportunity to shape the narrative about places like Keighley. That’s what I’m trying to change with my new project with disability arts online that will profile artists living around the North of England and give them the opportunity to tell their own stories about the places they live. The project is kicking off with an article about my experiences of living in Keighley. You can read it here.


Tate Exchange 2: Emergence Artists Strike Back - Blog Post | January 31st, 2020


on rose carved in rain: a reflection of who we are and who we aspire to be - Blog Post | January 27th, 2020